Adoption is one of the key parts of our purpose here at Friendship Baptist Church. There are over 143 million orphans in the world. Our goal is to provide practical, biblical information regarding the process of adoption and foster care ministry. We want to proclaim what the Bible says about God’s heart for the fatherless and challenge believers to align their hearts with his.
In 2016 we began to move toward being more proactive in our Adoption Ministry. We now have one Sunday a year we dedicate the entire service to our Adoption Ministry. It’s called “James 1:27 Sunday”. Scripture says these children matter to God!
” Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27
We have several families in our church who has been forever impacted through adoption and foster care. We decided right then we wanted to do something to make a difference. Many were excited about reaching out to families going through the adoption/foster care process. So we developed an Adoption Fund available for families going through this journey. We know adoption can be costly and wanted to do what we can to help them close the gap financially.
Why? Why would a church wade into the messy waters of orphan care? Why would we encourage families to bring children who have experienced trauma into their homes? Because nothing is a better picture of the Gospel!
Because caring for ‘the least of these’ is a Biblical picture of Christ-like care.
Our vision is to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
If you would like to be considered for the James 1:27 Fund assistance, please fill out the application below or call the church office at 918-272-2003 for more information.