Connecting Point
New Members Class
The Connecting Point Class is a basic introduction to our church family. Our church is made up of people like you, who come from many church backgrounds, or who have no church background at all. This class is designed to clearly explain what our church is all about. We want you to catch a vision of what God intends to do through us in making a positive impact in our world for the Lord Jesus Christ. The class is divided into seven sections with a church tour to wrap it up. We go through one session each Sunday morning at 9 AM. We meet in the Connecting Point Classroom in the Missions Hall. You can't miss it! My wife Carla and I will lead it and we would love to meet you! We believe this class will be the beginning of a journey that will change your life! Join us this Sunday!
Pastor Linzy and Carla Slayden

Friendship Singles
Single Adults
Friendship Singles is a class devoted to learning more about God to facilitate personal worship. The teachers strive to make the lessons connect to our lives by using creative and memorable aides. Looking to grow spiritually? Join us Sundays at 9:00 a.m.

Young Marrieds
Young Families
This class desires to meet the needs of families through teaching the bible. Our class verse is Duet 6:6-7 – "Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind." Also teaching it in the home as well. This class is full with laughter and challenging thoughts to help you grow. We don't just meet at 9am on Sundays for class. It is often that the class has activities to build that relationship with your spouse and others in the class. If you are looking for a place to grow and serve, come and check us out.

Marriage Builders
Married with Kids
This class desires to meet the needs of families through teaching the Bible. Also teaching it in the home as well. This class is full with laughter and challenging thoughts to help you grow. We don't just meet at 9am on Sundays for class. It is often that the class has activities to build that relationship with your spouse and others in the class. If you are looking for a place to grow and serve, come and check us out.

Home Builders
Couples Class
The homebuilders Class is designed to share life together and grow spiritually together. We have a wonderful breakfast most Sundays and spend the first fifteen minutes in fellowship. Then we study the Bible and seek to apply its principles to our daily lives. We laugh together, pray for one another and challenge each other to grow and become what God intended for us to be.

40+ Year Old Couples
A diverse class by age, with lively discussion. Mostly couples and some singles. Discussions are based on the Bible lesson and study. The membership is eager to meet new people and serve the Lord. Many class members are active in ministries within the church. The objective of the class is to grow in love for the Lord and understand Him better. Each discussion is preceded by a time of prayer requests and fellowship. Several social activities are held during the year.

50+ Year Old Couples
This Bible study class loves to study and discuss God’s Word. Fellowship activities, shared worship, and ministry efforts of the class serve to bind them closer to the Lord, making them fit to serve in His kingdom. This class develops great relationships and enjoys being together.

Sisters of Faith
This class is a ladies only class which is made up of married and single ladies who are looking for a class that will help them grow spiritually in a fun and exciting atmosphere. This class really ministers to their members in their class and they welcome all ladies who desire to learn in this atmosphere.